


Manjaro User Guide

Clash Configuration#

Not plug and play

  1. Choose the amd64 binary file for download
  2. Download the configuration file (rename it to config.yaml) and place it together with Clash
  3. Give Clash executable permission with chmod +x clash
  4. Set up manual proxy for the system and configure the port according to the yaml file
  5. Use sudo ./clash -d . to start Clash, it may not start properly without sudo

Geant4 Configuration#

Remember to delete the qt5ct folder under .config, otherwise the display color of the geometry cannot be changed in visualization


Remember to install yay to access AUR

Installing a Specific Version of a Program#

  1. Find the desired package on, such as
  2. Use git clone with the Git Clone URL to download it locally
  3. Go to the downloaded folder and use git log to find the desired version
  4. Use git reset --hard to revert to the desired version
  5. Modify all values of the md5sums field in the PKGBUILD to SKIP
  6. Use the command makepkg -si to install it

Ignoring Upgrades for Specific Programs#

In /etc/pacman.conf, enter the program names that need to be locked to a specific version in the IgnorePkg field, separate multiple programs with spaces.

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